Here I am, once again in England, to tell you about the fantastic adventure I have had last week when I joined the Google Plex in Mountain View - California. An adventure dedicated to all TCs (Top Contributors) who help and support users throughout Google forums, and to whose Google dedicated the first global summit in order to award and recognize their amazing efforts.
As soon as I received the invitation about three months ago, I barely believed in it. I though it was a joke … a spammy email. Luckily for us all, the story was different, and this post has been written on the train, on my way back home in Letchworth after a 10 hours flight amid turbulences and just a couple of hours sleeping. I bet no more details are necessary to let you feel how tired I am.
What can I tell you about this experience? Well, I would like to start with a big Thank You Google, which paid us the whole trip; if you are feeling to a bunch of peanuts, it wouldn’t probably be worth considering the numbers of delegates who took part to the event (about 240).
Money apart, I would like to thank you again Google for the opportunity given to extend my “circles”, as during the meeting I met a number of Googles and TCs whose relationship to date was limited to emails and message on the forum only (in some case anything of this at all).
The chance has been good enough to take a short extra break, which led me back to Carmel By The Sea and San Francisco, two amazing as well as very different US locations I would recommend a visit to everybody.
During my trip, I took quite a lot of photos; I uploaded them initially only on Facebook, but now those are also hosted on Picasa Web Album (the Google+ companion).
Unfortunately, I cannot reveal anything regarding the stuff we’ve seen or we have talked about during the meeting, but I’m pretty sure that as soon as the changes discussed will be publicly available, we may have a lot of opportunities to discuss about them on the forums.