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How Google (and other SEs) crawl and ranks PDF files?

There is one common thing that link web 2.0 users: the necessity to take part of this new fantastic world contributing to it, inserting web pages, picture, documents, comments and so on. So, it's not rare to see emerging web sites containing tons of new material rather than a forum at the top of the SERPs. And it's not rare to see different type...

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PDF indexing and ranking test

Since the recent interest by Google (in particular with its Quick View functionality) and other search engines to different document types than a standard HTML web page, I was curious to understand how a well optimized PDF document could have more chances to succeed in indexing rather than one made without respecting any sort of optimisation. The...

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Smart Group, what brillant overlooked idea.

Let's face it, Mail.App is a good app, but contact management would be a pain if Address Book wasn't invented. Despite this, one often overlooked feature is the "Smart Group", a quickly way to organize contacts together. If you're familiar with Smart Playlists in iTunes, it's practically the same but with contact info. Once you setup a Smart Group...

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Google testing new style in the SERPs

Along the past few months Google seems to have been very productive about testing visual improvement while returning their SERPs: Underlined links, breadcrumbs, snippets ... Google team is always at work, but the question is, how this visual result improvement can really change something? And how do they really track the results of their tests if...

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Inquisitor, the best friend of Safari

After having tested Safari for a while, I'm pretty sure I don't like its own way to impose things to the users. To be more clear, if I live in Italy, it's likely I need to use, so somewhere in the preference panel I would like to find an option to specify my default search engine. The same if I live in UK; and supposing that I hate...

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Google is dabbling with real time search? May be.

Looking for a specific time frame result set has probably been one of the most ambitious tasks that Google users ever attempted.And that's the reason why internet users continue to spend more and more of their online time using social networks. They are interested in friend, partner … more in general relationship with which share everything,...

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